Website for a construction company
Website for a construction company
Romanow Web Studio offers you to go bigger, go beyond the real world and conquer the online space with a professional website.
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Website for a construction company

To the owners of construction companies, hello! Every business has its own “weak” points, namely: attracting customers and marketing. Romanow Web Studio offers you to go bigger, go beyond the real world and conquer the online space with a professional website.

Our studio has successful cases of working with customers not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe and the USA. We are a fully legal, tax paying and registered business.

Advantages of a professional website:

  • Accessibility and convenience: Potential customers can get information about your company, services and implemented projects at any time and from any device.
  • Increasing trust: Customer reviews increase the level of trust in your company by demonstrating the quality of the work performed.
  • Transparency: The ability to view prices and services on the site reduces the number of misunderstandings and helps customers make an informed decision.

What should a site for a construction company be? Importance of site structure:

The logical structure of the site helps users quickly find the necessary information, which is especially important in the construction industry. Visitors should be able to easily get information about your services, the materials you use, and examples of completed projects. The site should also include ordering goods with many options: a calculator for installation, laying tiles, laminate, etc., calculating an estimate, etc.

Are there building materials for sale? Definition of the main tasks:

If your company is engaged in the sale of building materials, this should be clearly displayed on the website. It is important that the sections related to the sale of materials are intuitive and user-friendly. The site should include a product catalog, the ability to place orders and view current prices.

Main page:

Your home page is the foundation of your company. We are not builders, but we will build it simple and understandable for users, helping them quickly find the information they need.

Services page:

Each service you provide should have a detailed description, including the technologies and methods you use. This will help customers better understand your offers and make decisions in favour of your company.


The price section should be clearly structured and up to date. Pricing transparency increases customer confidence and helps them make decisions faster.

Contact information:

The contact information page should include your company’s address, phone numbers, directions, and feedback forms. This will facilitate the communication process for potential customers.

Photo gallery:

Photos of completed works will help customers see your capabilities and evaluate the quality of completed projects. This is one of the best ways to show your professionalism.


A blog with useful articles on the topic of construction and renovation will help increase your expert image and attract more visitors to the site. Articles can cover topics that your potential customers are most interested in, such as “How to choose building materials for your home?” or “Advice on apartment renovation”. This will increase your reputation as an expert and help you attract more customers.

The importance of establishing the possibility of promotion Optimization of the site of the construction company for search engines

SEO optimization of the site structure and the use of keywords and phrases is a necessary condition for your site to occupy high positions in search engines. This will increase the visibility of your company on the Internet and help attract new customers.

The importance of quality content and regular blog updates

Regularly updating the blog and publishing high-quality content will help keep the site high in search results and make it more attractive to users. Quality articles and content will increase interest in your site and allow you to become an expert in your field.

Site development process

  • Task research and competitor analysis: We always start with a detailed analysis of your business tasks and competitor analysis. This allows us to discover what works best in your industry and identify unique opportunities for your site.
  • Creating a site structure: The next step is to create an intuitive site structure. We define the main sections, menus and navigation so that your customers can easily find the information they need.
  • Site design: We develop the UI/UX design of the site according to the agreed structure. This allows the client to adjust the design before it is approved. After the design is agreed, we transfer it to the development department, where the team implements the site according to the approved design.
  • Choice of CMS (Content Management System): We offer a variety of platforms such as WordPress, Woocommerce, OpenCart, Shopify and apply innovative frameworks and technologies – Laravel, React, Vue.js, Next.js, Flask, FastAPI depending on your needs. CMS is a system that allows the customer to independently manage the site, including adding or removing content, etc. We are familiar with all the main and popular programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python. Such experience allows us to develop projects of various complexity and orientation – from simple sites to complex solutions, to adapt them to a specific customer or task.
  • Design and UX: We will ensure that your site is not only visually appealing, but also user-friendly. Thoughtful UX design will allow users to easily navigate the site and find the information they need, which will increase their level of satisfaction. UI/UX design for clients is part of an individual package of comprehensive services.
  • Development and testing: Site development includes the implementation of all functional and technical aspects. The next stage is testing. We guarantee that all elements of the site will work correctly and will be compatible with different devices and browsers. If your business tasks require more – we will do it! From interactive maps for project demonstration to online cost calculation. We do not make standard solutions – we will do everything that your business needs.

Launch and support:

Once the site is launched, we provide full support, including regular content updates and technical support. We do not just create websites, but also ensure their effective operation after the project is completed.

In general, site development consists of Frontend and Backend solutions. The frontend includes the user interface with which it interacts, including banners, buttons, animations. Frontenders deal with writing HTML markup, CSS and JavaScript settings.

The backend includes the development of hidden solutions that are invisible to the user. They help to create a website architecture that will facilitate stable interaction with the application code. But Frontend and Backend are parts of the same whole and should work harmoniously.

Our company develops sites based on clean code, without using constructors and other ready-made solutions. This allows you to speed up the operation of the web resource. In addition, the use of constructors requires extra costs for regular subscription of plugins. And creating a site based on a template makes your site unique, because other customers can use the same template.

Although at the request of the customer to start quickly, it is possible to make a simple site based on a designer or a template. Individual terms of cooperation are discussed in advance. Our specialists have extensive experience in the development of web resources of various complexity, based on various programming languages and systems.

Upon completion of the work, we do not simply give the client a ready-made site and leave them to their own devices. We will help you understand the working mechanism of CMS and provide technical support (for an additional fee).

Romanow Web Studio: We Create Sites That Attract Customers!

Looking for a reliable partner to create the perfect website for your construction company? Romanow Web Studio is a team of professionals who bring the wildest ideas to life! We specialize in developing modern, effective websites that not only meet all modern requirements, but also actively attract new customers.

We implement all stages of site development: from analysis and creation of an intuitive structure to launch and ongoing support. We will consider all your wishes and help you become a leader in your field.

Don’t delay! Order a consultation and take the first step towards the digital success of your company!

Our contacts:

Main services offered by Romanow Web Studio:

You can click on each type of service to learn more about its capabilities.

Why choose us?

10+ years of experience
10+ years of experience

We have been working in web development, design, and advertising for over 10 years. Our knowledge and skills allow us to create effective solutions for the construction business that bring real results. Satisfied clients confirm our reputation as a reliable partner.

Individual approach
Individual approach

Your business is unique, and we understand that. We consider each project individually, taking into account the specifics of your construction business, target audience and business goals. We create personalized solutions that best meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

Quality assurance
Quality assurance

We guarantee the highest level of quality of our services. Using modern technologies and best practices, we ensure the reliability and efficiency of each project. Our team is always in touch for support and advice, so you can be sure of the success of your project.

Work process

01Analysis and planning
Analysis and planning

At the first stage, we thoroughly study your business, analyze the market and competitors, define the target audience and your business goals. This helps us create a clear action plan and define a development strategy.


Based on the collected information, we create a customized design for your website that meets your needs and brand standards. You get layouts for approval and the opportunity to make adjustments.


After the design is approved, our team of programmers starts developing the website. We use modern technologies and follow the best practices to ensure the high quality and reliability of your website.


Before launching a website, we conduct thorough testing on all devices and browsers. This helps to identify and fix possible errors, ensure stable operation and high loading speed.


After successful testing, we launch your website. Our specialists configure all the necessary parameters for optimal performance and accessibility of the site for users.

06Support and maintenance
Support and maintenance

We do not leave you alone after the launch. Our team provides ongoing technical support, makes regular updates, and helps with any issues that may arise during the operation of the site.

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